Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Response to Hornby “Nipple Jesus”

        It is real an interesting story, which surprised me a lot in the end. Dave got a new job at the gallary and tried to protect a weird picture because of its author and its special idea intriguing him, but it turned out to be planned by the author of this picture to take a flim that showed intolerance. Hornby describes the Dave's process of first seeing this picture, thinking its meaning, guarding and defending it seriously detailedly. It is, a kind of stepping stone that actually aims at shocking readers in the end of the article. Candidly speaking, I really like this writing style, the careful dipiction of character's psychology. About the Nipple Jesus, I would like to say, it is such a bold innovation. Making sacred Jesus out of segments of breast can hardly be accepted to normal people. Then Dave tended to think the purpose of picture's author and finally not only accepted it, but also regarded it as a wonderful piece of art, even though the beauty of author cannot be excluded from reasons. It is not surprising to me because the more weird it is and the more people dislike it, there is a higher probability that some people will pretend to appreciate it to show their understanding of art. Maybe I should not criticize such people, but I think Dave is such sort of person after reading the whole story. I do not appreciate what the young lady did, neither. Cheating persons who like her work and fooling them in order to get a film of what she desired and planned as a piece of art is not what an artist is supposed to do, even though sometimes capturing art may need kinda weird way.
        What I am confused about this article is the serveral pages before talking about his working experience in the art gallary. Why does Hornby mention Dave's job in club? And a bunch of words describing people such as nutters and blokes used throughout the article, is weird, but somewhat interesting. Actually I was thinking what if I see this Nipple Jesus? Will I feel disgusted or interesting? I am not sure. Maybe I would find it a special one with a special idea, think it a piece of special art that beyond my appreciation, but I am not going to smash it up or insulting its author because I do believe there exists difference among people' appreciation of art but all works need to be respected.

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