Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Wexner Review

    The gallery in Wexner Center of Art has three components: clocks, light club and photographs. I mainly focused on the photographs, and browsed light club for a while. Light club is a set of collection of artworks made up with light elements, including a thirty-minute film and several mirrors reflecting different angles. Colorful light tubes are really amazing. 

    The selection of photographs mostly reflects the diverse impacts of financial downturn as the United State endure the most significant economic recession since the Great Depression. I remember some themes such as immigration, gentrification, environmental negligence and multiculturalism. Some photographs are really impressive and shocking. I remember an image shows the elderly foraging for food in the city dump, which is actually depressing. Other photos, such as convicts and guard, immigrations under the elevated railway, peckish children are also good reflections of people living at the bottom. Such sad photographs document some flounders parts of the United State though flourished parts exist at the same time. Also, I found a set of 72 digital chromogenic prints folded in a line interesting because of its special shape and arrangement. What I found the most interesting is a collection of four photos displayed together but it seems nothing inside at the first sight. From the denotation, I knew it shows negative and positive transparency, which surprised me a lot. 

    Besides, I also visited another part of art center. It is a cartoon museum, right beside the Fine Art Library. Some comics are displayed there, including the initial sketch paper of some famous comics exhibited in the international exhibition. On the wall, a procedure of how colorful prints are produced is introduce, which enriched me a lot.

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